Sweet Dreams with Lys i Soveværelset: A Guide to Bedroom Lighting

June 22, 2023 0 Comments


Have you ever struggled to fall asleep or wake up feeling unrested? Your bedroom’s lighting may be to blame. The right lighting can make a significant difference in the quality of your sleep. That’s why we’re here to introduce you to Lys i Soveværelset – a Danish term meaning “light in the bedroom.” In this guide, we’ll explore the importance of lighting in your bedroom and discuss how to use Lys i Soveværelset to improve your sleep quality.

The Effects of Lighting on Sleep

Light profoundly impacts the quality of our sleep as it influences our body’s production of melatonin, a hormone responsible for regulating sleep. Exposure to bright and blue light before bedtime can suppress melatonin production and make it challenging for you to sleep. On the other hand, using warm, dim light in the hours leading up to bedtime can help promote relaxation and ease you into sleep.

How Lys i Soveværelset Can Help

Lys i Soveværelset is a lighting concept created to create a calming ambiance in the bedroom, promoting better sleep quality. It involves the use of warm, soft glow lighting that mimics candles, creating a relaxing and restful atmosphere. The idea is to create a space where you can unwind and prepare for sleep, free from the distractions of bright, harsh lighting.

Getting Started with Lys i Soveværelset

To create the perfect Lys i Soveværelset, you need to consider three primary factors:

  • Brightness
  • Color temperature
  • Positioning


When setting your bedroom lighting, it’s essential to consider the brightness level. Bright lighting can adversely affect your circadian rhythm, leading to poor sleep quality. Instead, aim for soft, diffused lighting that creates a calming ambiance, allowing your eyes to relax. Dimmer switches or lamps with adjustable brightness levels are an excellent way to achieve the desired brightness.

Color Temperature

The color temperature of lighting refers to its warmth or coolness, measured in kelvins. Warmer light (2700k-3000k) can create a pleasant and relaxing atmosphere. In contrast, cooler light (4000K-5000K) can create an energizing and productive environment. When it comes to bedroom lighting, warm, soft light creates a peaceful and calming ambiance.


The positioning of your bedroom lighting is just as important as the brightness and color temperature. Ideally, you want to avoid placing bright lights directly above or in front of the bed, as this can be uncomfortable and make it challenging to relax. Instead, consider placing lamps in the corners of the room or installing wall sconces for a warm, gentle glow.

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