Arik Levy: Crafting a Vibrant Artistic Vision that Transcends Boundaries

December 14, 2023 0 Comments

As an artist and designer, Arik Levy has pushed creative boundaries to create stunning works that captivate and inspire audiences worldwide. With a broad range of skills and a unique approach to creativity, Levy has established himself as one of the most influential and innovative voices in the contemporary art and design scene.

The Early Years of Arik Levy

Born in Tel Aviv, Israel in 1963, Arik Levy moved to Switzerland to study industrial design at the Art Center Europe in La Chaux-de-Fonds. After completing his studies, he began his career as a product designer in Paris, working for high-profile companies such as L’Oreal, Renault, and Alessi. While working as a product designer, he honed his skills in sculpture, installations, and conceptual art, drawing inspiration from a variety of sources, including nature, technology and cultural history.

Breaking Down Boundaries with Artistic Vision

Levy’s artistic vision is characterized by his engagement with a broad range of disciplines, from product design and sculpture to installation and film. His innovative approach to creativity draws heavily on his training as an industrial designer, enabling him to combine mechanical, structural and aesthetic elements in a way that is both striking and thought-provoking. His works are often characterized by sharp geometric forms or evocative organic shapes, with a strong focus on the use of light and texture to create a sense of movement, depth, and emotion.

Influence on the Contemporary Art Scene

Levy’s work has been exhibited in some of the world’s most prestigious galleries and museums, including the Victoria and Albert Museum in London, the Grand Palais in Paris, and the Design Museum Holon in Israel. His pieces have garnered critical acclaim for their innovative use of materials and for their ability to break down the boundaries between art and design, blurring the lines between the two disciplines and creating a new visual vocabulary that speaks to the human spirit.

Expansion into Public Spaces

In recent years, Levy has expanded his focus to include public spaces, working on large-scale installations and sculptures that encourage audience engagement and interaction. One particularly notable piece is his installation “Murmurations,” a series of large silver orbs suspended from the ceiling of the atrium at the Royal Society of Arts’ headquarters in London. The installation harnesses the power of light to create a sense of movement and fluidity, inviting visitors to explore the space and engage with the work in new and exciting ways.


Arik Levy’s work is a testament to the power of creativity and the importance of breaking down boundaries between artistic disciplines. His bold approach to design and sculpture has challenged audiences to think differently about how we engage with art and design, and his innovation and experimentation continue to inspire artists and designers around the world. Through his works and his vision, Levy has crafted a vibrant and compelling artistic vision that transcends

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