Exploring the Impact and Implications of Suspensions: A Critical Analysis

October 13, 2023 0 Comments


Suspension is a common disciplinary measure in schools and other institutions. It involves excluding a student from attending classes or participating in activities for a set period. However, this practice has come under scrutiny in recent years due to its potential negative impact on students. This article aims to critically analyze the impact and implications of suspensions.


Suspensions are often used as a response to misbehavior or rule-breaking. The primary goal is to discipline the student and deter them from repeating the same offense. However, studies have shown that suspensions can have far-reaching effects on students.

Impact on student achievement

One of the primary concerns with suspensions is their impact on student achievement. When students are suspended, they miss important class time and fall behind on coursework. This can lead to lower grades and decreased academic motivation. Long-term suspensions or repeated suspensions can even lead to dropping out of school.

Impact on mental health

Another concern is the impact on a student’s mental health. Being suspended can be a traumatic experience for some students, and it can damage their self-esteem and sense of belonging. Additionally, the social stigma of being suspended can lead to feelings of shame and embarrassment.

Impact on the school environment

In addition to the impact on individual students, suspensions can also have broader implications for the school environment. When a large number of students are suspended, it can create a tense and negative atmosphere. It can also lead to more disciplinary issues as students who are suspended may become disengaged and disconnected from the school community.

Alternatives to suspension

Given the potential negative impact of suspensions, it is essential to consider alternatives. One option is restorative justice practices, which aim to restore relationships and repair harm rather than simply punishing the offender. This approach can help students understand the impact of their actions and take responsibility for their behavior without being excluded from the school community.


In conclusion, suspensions can have far-reaching effects on students, including their academic achievement, mental health and school environment. While there may be situations in which suspension is necessary, it is important to consider alternative approaches that prioritize the well-being of students and the school community as a whole. Schools and institutions should strive to create an inclusive and supportive environment that promotes positive behavior and fosters learning for all students.


– Skiba, R. J., Arredondo, M. I., & Williams, N. T. (2014). More Than a Metaphor: The Contribution of Exclusionary Discipline to a School-to-Prison Pipeline. Equity & Excellence in Education, 47(4), 546-564. doi: 10.1080/10665684.2014.942963
– Hoffman, S. J., & Giroux, B. W. (2016). Using Restorative Justice to Repair Harm from School Suspension. Child & Youth Care Forum, 45(5), 743-757. doi: 10.1007/s10566-016-9364-4

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