The Art of Glassmaking: Exploring the World of Made Vetro

October 16, 2023 0 Comments


Made Vetro is a renowned company that specializes in creating stunning glass artworks. Glassmaking has been around for thousands of years, and it’s fascinating to see how it has evolved over time. In this article, we will explore the world of Made Vetro, their history, their unique techniques, and the magnificent pieces they’ve produced.

The History of Made Vetro

Made Vetro was founded in 2011 by brothers Pino and Maurizio Signoretto. Pino and Maurizio come from a long line of glassmakers, and their passion for glassmaking was instilled in them from a young age. They founded Made Vetro with the goal of creating innovative and unique glass artworks using traditional glassblowing techniques.

The Unique Techniques of Made Vetro

Made Vetro uses a traditional approach to glassblowing, which involves gathering molten glass at the end of a blowpipe and blowing air into it to create a bubble. The glass is then spun, shaped, and cooled using a variety of tools and techniques. However, Made Vetro has also developed some unique techniques that set them apart from other glassmakers.

One of their most unique techniques is the “Glass Skein” technique, which involves pulling heated glass into thread-like shapes and layering them onto a mold. The glass is then heated until it fuses together and takes the shape of the mold. This technique allows for the creation of intricate and delicate pieces that are unlike anything you’ve seen before.

The Magnificent Pieces of Made Vetro

Made Vetro has produced some breathtaking pieces over the years, from delicate glass figurines to large-scale installations. One of their most famous pieces is the “Christ of the Abyss,” which is a glass replica of a bronze statue located in San Fruttuoso, Italy.

Another notable piece is the “Canaletto,” which is a 4-meter-long glass chandelier that weighs over a ton. The chandelier was inspired by the work of Venetian artist Canaletto and features intricate glass pieces that resemble flowers and leaves.


Made Vetro is a company that truly embodies the art of glassmaking. Their dedication to traditional techniques and innovative approaches has allowed them to create some of the most beautiful and unique glass artworks in the world. Visiting their workshop and seeing their art in person is an experience that will leave you in awe of the power of glassmaking.

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